Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 2

Zoe Saldana

To Whom It May Concern,

QUESTION 2: How tall are you? Do you like your height?

I'm 1.67cm (5'5"). Somedays I wish I were as tiny as Mich (5'1"), but mostly I'm OK with my height. I'm the tallest woman in my family, but that's not saying much!

Day 2 is off to a great start! Day 1 was interesting, though. I had a nasty bout of colic the whole day. Can't say I know what that was all about, but after a good dose of homeopathic medicine for stomach and liver/gall bladder complaints, I feel much better. My tum was actually quite a bit flatter this morning, which, if any of you suffer with colon trouble like I do, will know that it's a rare thing indeed!

So to recap, I had a successful day yesterday and managed to stick to my plan.

CALORIES: 500 or less
EXERCISE: 1 hour or more
WATER: 1.5-2 Litre

I wish you all a fabulous Thursday and all my love.
Cinnamon Brown.

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