Thursday, November 18, 2010

Of Journals And Friends!

My new journal!

To Whom It May Concern,

Dear Sea,
Thank you so much for signing in. Wherever you are in gorgeous Canada, may your toes be toasty and your nose be warm. Brr... Bon Hiver, Babe!

I promised Peanut I'd post a picture of my new journal, for inspiration and here it is! You're a dear friend, Peanut! As it's November, I see that many of us are starting to think about the new year and about Christmas gift ideas. A journal always makes a good gift, especially to oneself, with a card attached saying "To Me, you're worth it, love Me!" (note to self, put 'more positive self-talk' on list of New Year's Resolutions!)

I know Gem!! is going on an adventure soon and a journal might be a nice 'pressie' for the trip. Put it on your wish list, so we can share your adventure. So excited for you, girl! I saw that Mika got a new journal (see post titled 'Love' ) and thought we could start a trend! She's already put some beautiful fashion sketches in it. ( I want the long Grecian dress - so pretty!) By the way, ,
Heart and Soul
I took the photo in my neighbour, Kathy's garden. It may be small, but it's just like a little faerie village there. It seemed the perfect place to snap my journal. I don't know how she does it, but even in this awful drought, it's beautiful! And speaking of photos, grantthegeek, I think there's a unique photo opportunity waiting for you in the garden, at number 5!

Feathered Friends

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