Sunday, February 20, 2011

STEPHEN MALLON: The Next Stop Atlantic at Calumet Photographic thru Feb 21

Photograph (c) Stephen Mallon/All Rights Reserved

Photograph (c) Stephen Mallon/All Rights Reserved

Photograph (c) Stephen Mallon/All Rights Reserved

(l to r): Photographer Lou Manna; Photographer Stephen Mallon; John Dessereau, Calumet Photographic

Artist Sascha Mallon and Photographer Stephen Mallon

(r to l) David Laidler,; Jessica Moon, Scholastic Magazine Photo Editor; Jennifer Moon

Kathleen Vance, Associate Director, Front Room Gallery

Photograph (c) Stephen Mallon/All Rights Reserved

Photograph (c) Stephen Mallon/All Rights Reserved

Extended thru Feb 21 - Go and See it!

NYC Transit joined the artificial reef building program off the east coast of the U.S. in 2000, sending stripped subway cars on barges to be dropped into the Atlantic Ocean to build refuge for fish and crustaceans to colonize the structures. Photographer Stephen Mallon beautifully traces the progress of the train cars on their last voyage out to sea.

Mallon gained enormous acclaim for his series, "Brace For Impact: The Salvage of Flight 1549," documenting the salvage of the U.S. Airways flight piloted by Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger, who managed to emergency-land in the Hudson River in January 15, 2009 without losing any passenger lives.

Another Mallon Must See: Stephen Mallon produced and directed this video created from over 30,000 still images, posted in The Wall Street Journal: A New York Bridge Delivered (here). Follow the progress of this massive structure as it is floated, dragged, pushed and pulled over one hundred miles of New York's historic waterways.

Calumet Photographic
22 West 22, NYC
Front Room Gallery

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