Monday, February 21, 2011

#26. in progress!

#26. Take a photography portrait course

Do you know how to recognize that you are truly-madly-deeply in love with something? Well, I found my “recipe”. 
I know that I’m truly-madly-deeply in love with something when I do what I did yesterday/today: 

  • Woke-up early, early in the morning and left 10 of my deeply sleeping friends in a beautiful country-weekend-getaway house, 
  • spent 6 hours on a portrait photography course (with no need for water, food or any other physical need… that usually shows up every time I’m studying, for example…), 
  • couldn’t wait to come home and analyze taken photos (of course, none is quite good enough - vive la self critique),
  • went to work and think only of the post processing…

So, here are some of the-chosen-ones from yesterday…

So, what do you think?

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