Spot O' Thinspo! |
To Whom It May Concern,
Thank you so much for signing in. May your day be as awesome as your photo's, little shutterbug!
Hey gang! What's shaking?! I've just discovered the morbid delights of
Evelyn Evelyn, A wonderful Washington duo! (Amanda Palmer of the Dresden Dolls and Jason Webley) I must say, Mrs Neil Gaiman is a very quirky and interesting lady, indeed! My kinda gal! Check out their site, the eyes follower your cursor! So fucking cool!
So, this week, I thought I'd continue until Friday with the Fab.500! After a big binge, I find a week or so on 500 calories a day is just necessary! Breakfast involves 200, dinner is at 300 and I just give lunch the old 'skip-a-roni'! I get more done in the day if I don't have to stop at midday to stuff my fat face! Also, I'm sucking down my fifth glass of water, while I type, to stay hydrated! Three more to go! Exercise-wise, I'm planning a 30 minute interval training session on the elliptical (weather's pretty shitty!), followed by isometric exercises and a spot of
resistance tube training (similar to
dyna band). We got a set of these for the house, they're just awesome! Resistance training is known for it's fat burning qualities as well as encouraging lean muscles. Don't be put off by the bulky, carbo-loading models at these sites, they eat a hell of a lot to look the way they do. We'll get the benefit of their exercises with the benefit of our diets and use it to look fabulous! Adapt, adopt, improve!
I heart this! |
Well, may the rest of your week go swimmingly! Don't forget to write out your new year's resolutions and stay strong, everybody! Catch up with you again on Friday. *BIG KISS*!
Cinnamon Brown.