Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Pyjama Post!

Pyjama Thinspo!

To Whom It May Concern,

Dear FishPyjamas,
Thank you so much for signing in with me. I simply adore my pyjamas, I wear them almost exclusively! Mental patient, anyone?!

After much begging and pleading, grantthegeek and I finally convinced our other beloved house mate into starting a blog. He is the above mentioned FishPyjamas! Essentially his blog is about all the things he enjoys, music, literature, philosophy, art, neuropsychology and neuroscience. Not to mention, of course, the odd good wine, whiskey, coffee and tea! In honour of him, this whole post is about pyjamas!

I  enjoy comfortable clothes and in my opinion, you'd have to go along way to beat a good pair of pj's! Working from home means I don't have the burden of constantly coming up with new outfits or spending long periods of time in stiff, tight clothes that cut off my circulation and generally leave me feeling awful. As a result, I spend a lot of time in comfy pyjamas. I've never been one for pretty, girly pyjamas, I tend to go for big tees and flannel pants mostly, but pj's come in a variety of designs and fabrics and there's a pair for everyone. I prefer soft, natural fibres and when buying flannel pants, I tend to go for wacky, way out prints, but not everyone has my weird fashion sense! Tell me, what kind of pyjamas do you like? Here's some pyjama thinspo for you. I hope the rest of the week treats you all kindly.

*Edit* Courtesy of Elara. Thank you, Darling!

Cinnamon Brown.

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