Sunday, February 20, 2011

Photo Book Review – Get Your Photography on the Web – by RC Concepcion

Get Your Photography on the Web

Wouldn’t it be great if you had a pal who knew all the ins and outs of graphic design, Photoshop, the web, blogging software and all the other tools you need to get your photo portfolio online? Well you do. And his name is RC Concepcion.

You may know RC from his work with the Kelby Media Group or Layers Magazine or D-Town TV, etc. He’s one of the nicest, friendliest guys in the business and he loves photography and photographers. In this book, he lovingly, painstakingly, step-by-step shows you exactly – and I do mean exactly – what it takes to build a strong web presence.

He starts at the beginning and hits everything from registering your domain all the way to building your blog.

He demystifies resizing and prepping images for online presentation. He shows you how to build and customize a blog. He even goes into some basic HTML and talks about his favorite tools and plug-ins.

I’d bet that after reading this book, any serious photographer who paid attention and implemented RC’s advice would end up with a killer web presence. Regardless of your ability (or inability) as a programmer, this book covers what you need to get online – period.

I particularly like RC’s coverage of building WordPress blogs since that’s what I use for all my sites. He also goes into how to hook your site to all the important social media sites like Flickr, Twitter and Facebook.

RC also covers selling your photos online and using online printing services for fulfillment.

It’s important to note that there are many talented graphic designers in this world who possess similar knowledge. What sets RC apart is the fact that he not only knows this stuff – he’s VERY good at sharing and teaching it.

The book is very well produced and must have taken a whole bunch of work since it is literally jam-packed with helpful, relevant illustrations.

I suspect that this book will quickly become the seminal work on the subject and hopefully, RC will update it over time as technology and tools changed. If you want to get online or improve what you have online now, buy this book today. I have been online since 1995 but I learned a few tricks in this book that I will apply to my sites soon.

Highly recommended.


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