Monday, February 14, 2011

Of Love And Squishy Things!

To Whom It May Concern,

Dear alyssa sanchez and lyssa_sullivann.3,
Thank you so much for signing in with me. I hope your day is deliriously groovy! Be splendid, both of you!

Hey everybody, how's it going?! Happy Lupercalia to one and all! For those of you seeking love, may Stupid Cupid find you and give you a good poke...with his love arrow...wait, this is getting nasty! Anyway, hope you find love! For those of you in already in a relationship, who don't completely hate your partners, tell them just how much they mean to you and plant a big wet one on 'em! 'Tis indeed good for the soul!

My poor housemates were molested this morning me! I woke up feeling all dreamy and romantic and later felt rather disgusted with myself for being so schmaltzy! Ick! That's how I know my period is on the way, I go from being all sweet and lovey-dovey to a 3 headed, 12 horned she-bitch from hell! I think this is going to be a very heavy period! All I can say is Goddess help my housemates! For those of you who love this day, this one's for you...

For those of you who can't stand Smell-entine's Day this one's for you!

Either way, I hope today's a good one for you! Here's some Valentine's thinspo...

Please note that I was considerate and did not post pictures of the usual chocolates, sweets and baked goods associated with this binge-inducing festivity! I. R. a smug twat! Love you all to bits!

Cinnamon Brown.

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