Saturday, February 19, 2011

Italian Project Pursues Digital Archival of Famous Artwork

An Italian project called Haltadefinizioe or HAL9000 is in the process of digitizing some of the most famous artwork in the world with some images over 20 gigapixels. The images have been made available online for everyone to enjoy…up close.
HAL9000 has developed proprietary technologies that allow them to stitch together 1000s of images into one image of up to 4000 ppi. The main goal of HAL9000 is for the preservation of the art for future generations and to help support restoration services to the artwork itself.
One of the benefits of this service is the ability to look at the famous artwork at a level that you could only do with a magnifying glass if you were able to get that close to the artwork at all. How many of us have been to a museum or cathedral and wish we could see more detail? Problem solved.

DAL9000 Painting

Zoomed In
Zoomed In
Some of the artwork currently in their gallery are as follows:
Currently, Haltadefinizione is in the process of digitizing an additional 24 paintings from the Ufizi Gallery in Florence, Italy.
Extremely high resolution photography or gigapixel photography is not new, but Haltadefinizione is one of the best examples on the internet to be found. Some other examples that can also be enjoyed are as follows:

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