Saturday, February 5, 2011

Invitation To Love.

To Whom It May Concern,

Thanks so much for signing in. Hope your weekend has been fun filled and super fantastic!

In case you're wondering about the cornball title of this post, it was the name of the soap opera that the characters in Twin Peaks watched!

Wow, what a busy week. I didn't even notice that my last post was my 100th and that I have 51 awesone followers. I finally finished the wedding invites and they came out very nicely. The bride squealed when she saw them last night so, mission accomplished! I had a problem sourcing bows for the envelopes, as the colour I really wanted has been discontinued. Truth be told, it's just as well, the silver looks much better! Photos courtesy of grantthegeek

I made a tracing paper sleeve for each invite and sprinkled in a few stars before putting them in their envelopes and sealing them. I made a sample for the bride, so she could see what her guests would see when they opened up their invitations. She did a lot of giggling and bouncing up and down in her seat! She looked as happy as kid at Christmas! Does my heart good to see her smile. She's been so stressed about the wedding and just wants it all to be over. I think she's looking forward to the honeymoon the most! My kinda girl!

I'm really very pleased the whole turquoise fiasco is over. Now I can get back to my knitting and crochet! Although if this god-awful weather persists, I might have to move to New Jersey with Mich! It is currently 36°C (96.8°F) and I'm thoroughly unimpressed! The felines are totally unresponsive and actually look like they're playing 'dead'. Not even a whisker is twitching! Poor kiki-mauw-mauws! Hopefully the thunderstorm that was forecast will make an appearance and end this heat oppression! Look at this lazy brat on the armrest of the couch!

Hope you are all enjoying a relaxing weekend and that the coming week is a good one. Now that I'm no longer rushing around, I want to get my butt into gear and get on with it! Time to dust off the elliptical and work up a sweat! Just hope I don't die from heat exhaustion! Catch you all on the flip side!

Cinnamon Brown.

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