Monday, February 21, 2011

Goddess de Machina (Fantasy ladies series part 1)

(Click images to enlarge)

*TOOLS USED: Photography (Nikon D7000 and SB900 speedlight) Manipulation: (Photoshop Cs3, Wacom tablet and pen, Mac)
Click images to enlarge

Hello there, good news, I'm alive and kicking again. I hope this will continue as I experiment with new Ps stuff, brainstorm new ideas plus enjoying the new Nikon line, the D7000 camera which I used for this image.
Goddess of Machina is not that extreme in a sense but somehow it challenged me on how to make a "simple" portrait into an out-of-this-world by combining my photography and steam punk theme that led to the creation of the mosquito-humming bird-bee-firefly flying metal creature (which I meticulously created from scratch). And of course, thanks to my model Dior who portrayed a Goddess like aura in posing my strobist shot. The two had a great story to tell and I guess that leaves you hanging there what's the real score bout their mysterious stares. hehe. Well, hopefully you like this one. I want to thank Cameraderie photogroup of Riyadh for the chance to shoot Dior.

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