Monday, February 21, 2011

Erik Parker's Bold, Graphic Florals On Beautiful/Decay | Studio Visit (PHOTOS)

(Via Beautiful/Decay)
Erik Parker was preparing for two solo shows, one in LA, and one in Fort Worth, when I visited his studio in Brooklyn. Parker is known for making large scale paintings that are as comfortable with their roots as they are disorienting with their forms and spaces. First you get a hug, and then a slap. He said he wanted his paintings to still look good 40 years from now. By reorienting Modernist and Pop sensibilities, and then almost using contrapposto to create a balanced but expressive distortion, Parker was remixing some old school classics -- like flower still-lives- into something fresh. His LA show is at Honor Fraser and opens on October 30th, and the Fort Worth show is at the Fort Worth Modern and opens on December 5th, and is curated by Andrea Karnes.

This INVENTORY painting was awesome, it has a ton of little cartoon characters lined up. Check out the geometric 3D effect around the word in the center of the painting. There's one little character that's a shout-out to Erik's friend KAWS.


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