Sunday, January 23, 2011

ANTHONY JONES: Urban Environment

London Taxis, 1998
Photograph (c) Anthony Jones /All Rights Reserved

Canary Wharf Station
Photograph (c) Anthony Jones /All Rights Reserved

Puddle, London
Photograph (c) Anthony Jones /All Rights Reserved

Man Walking Down a Passageway
Photograph (c) Anthony Jones /All Rights Reserved

Black Dog Portfolio: Street Study II
Photograph (c) Anthony Jones /All Rights Reserved

"I still have that first roll of film (I ever took), it was of Trafalgar Square, the photographs are of the space, the built environment of the square and not the people. I return there often to photograph."
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Anthony Jones is a London based photographer known for his black and white images of the urban environment. He uses a Hasselblad medium format camera. His work has been exhibited at the Victoria and Albert Museum, the National Portrait Gallery, London, and through many galleries, including the John Stevenson Gallery in New York.

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