Friday, October 8, 2010


I love days like these!
To Whom It May Concern,

Well, LICK-A-FUCK-A-DING-DONG, Baby!! Guess who lost some weight?! I know, 1kg isn't much, but it's progress. My weight is now 58kg (128lbs).

Peanut, you asked about what I'm eating these days. It's kind of like a cross between  Dr John Briffa's Diet, the Mediterranean Diet, the Rainbow Diet. (I'm obsessed with rainbows, I find the colours hypnotic!) Basically, I incorporate as much colour, via fruit and vegetables, especially green vegetables, as possible. No white foods; no dairy, except for plain yoghurt and cheese; no processed or junk food;  no grains (wheat, oats, rye, rice etc.) and no  potatoes, except for sweet potato. (It's a different plant.) I eat Greek yoghurt, the only permitted white food, in small amounts because the dairy fat in yoghurt actually promotes weight loss and if you battle to process heavy carbs, like I do, this is a low carb food.

I eat foods that are naturally low in fat, but I avoid products with 'low fat' and 'fat reduced' on the label because they are processed. I consume natural fats in moderation. (Olive oil, nut and seed oils, marine oils, butter, cheese and yoghurt.) I also eat lean meat, chicken and fish.

I try to eat handful sized portions often, so that my brain won't trigger a binge (so far, so good) and the small quantities mean fewer calories. This was tricky in the beginning, what with the food addiction and all, but with a little control, you just stop when your hand is empty and after that, just say 'NO'! It's about un-learning the old, destructive habits and replacing them with new and better ones. I mostly snack on fruit (I love berries) and a mix of raw cashews, almonds and green pumpkin seeds. I try to drink 2 litres of water every day and get as much exercise and sleep as possible. As a treat , I allow myself a little bit of dark chocolate at the weekend. I finally feel like I have control!

For a fresh perspective on what food does in and to your body, listen to this Radio Interview with Dr. Briffa. It's an overview of the food choices in his book, which is targeted at overweight men, but is actually relevant to men and women alike. The interview lasts 18 minutes and 35 seconds. Very interesting. If you have any questions, please, ask away. I love hearing from you guys! Have a great Friday!

My favouritest sockses! We have a problem!
Evil has a new name!

Cinnamon Brown.

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