Thursday, June 2, 2011

quotes on insanity

quotes on insanity. Check out friends of Insanity
  • Check out friends of Insanity

  • FF_productions
    Oct 9, 03:05 PM
    Ah shut up you bastards...

    quotes on insanity. Insanity Wolf: Quotes Scene
  • Insanity Wolf: Quotes Scene

  • robbieduncan
    Sep 25, 10:55 AM
    The site has been updated!

    Direct link to the "What's New" page (

    quotes on insanity. A brief moment of insanity.
  • A brief moment of insanity.

  • ECUpirate44
    Mar 28, 08:41 AM
    iPhone 5 :D

    quotes on insanity. quote about insanity
  • quote about insanity

  • jefhatfield
    Sep 16, 11:01 AM
    Originally posted by iGAV

    I would think that by the time Intel do inflict the P5 upon that we'll be if not running machines with Apples next generation PPC at that time, then they'll be right around the corner......

    And yep I joined akira's site...... although I won't be using it like I do mr...... and as akira said, it's not a rumour site, it's a discussion and problem site about current technical issues and hardware and software...... I thought Alphatech was funny...... sure he sometimes got a little heated, but there was alot of people that deserved it, and hey it spiced things up...... :p

    He seem alot more chilled over at his site..... so that's cool.... :)

    P.S It's good to have you back Jef....... ;) :)


    since akira/alphatech has started his site, i have only seen him once on macrumors...he is probably really busy getting everything up and going in the early stages...once it's there, i hope to see him pop in here every now and again


    quotes on insanity. ezra pound quotes. insanity
  • ezra pound quotes. insanity

  • whoodie
    Mar 11, 07:05 PM
    Willow Bend is sold out of all, except for a few Verizon models.

    quotes on insanity. insanity quotes in macbeth
  • insanity quotes in macbeth

  • h1r0ll3r
    Apr 12, 01:35 PM
    They actually confirmed that one. Turns out you can polish it :D

    Yes. Jamie got his to a mirror shine. Almost looked like a marble :p

    But back to Office. I still prefer the Windows version however the Mac version is starting to grow on me. Were it not for MS CRM that I use at work, I could finally be rid of Windows once and for all. But, alas, no dice. Love how CRM works ONLY with IE.


    quotes on insanity. shutter island quotes insanity
  • shutter island quotes insanity

  • big samm
    Jan 6, 05:27 PM
    and the logging chat is still bugging what mean by that is each time i exit the facebook application and open it back it logs me in the chat even know i logged off before exiting the application... anyone else have this problem?

    quotes on insanity. I insanity curable by cecilia
  • I insanity curable by cecilia

  • baryon
    Mar 22, 06:33 AM
    Imagine holding an iPad upright to watch a two hour movie.

    That's why you can buy that case as an accessory, it holds the iPad upright.

    While I don't think the iPad is a device for schools and serious stuff, it's awesome for when you want to watch a movie in an airplane or bus. In an airplane, you can't use your laptop since there isn't enough space to open it because of the seat in front of you, so the only way you could watch a movie on a plane is either by taking an iPhone/iPod Touch, or using a portable DVD player (yuck!). But if you want a bigger screen, you can get the iPad and it will fit in the 10cm space between your head and the seat in front of you perfectly.

    Watching a movie on a laptop would drain the battery within 1 or 2 hours anyway, while on the iPad you can easily watch 3 movies and still have some battery left (if the 10 hour battery life is true).


    quotes on insanity. quote from insanity doing
  • quote from insanity doing

  • bjdku
    Sep 27, 11:09 AM
    Never fear. Apple will invent a new number, complete with a new character. 10.4.9 will include updates to all system font files and keyboard layouts containing this new symbol.

    Now that's innovation.

    Ya, who says they won't use hex? Although if they have been using hex all this time it would have been OS A instead of OS 10 :) :)

    quotes on insanity. Check out friends of Insanity
  • Check out friends of Insanity

  • diamond.g
    Apr 8, 08:01 AM
    The fact that congress cannot construct a budget is simply a failure of them to perform their duties. Part of the reason is that the motivation to avoid a shutdown isn't great enough, thus I propose a two-fold solution to motivate them a little

    1) Congress persons do not get paid during the shutdown. Perhaps if they were to not get paid they would be more motivated.

    2) In the event of a shutdown all members of congress immediately become ineligible to run for re-election for their current position and ineligible to run in any other federal election. Since a shutdown means they've failed, they shouldn't be allowed to continue.

    That would be extra sweet. Wouldn't it require a constitutional amendment?


    quotes on insanity. Check out friends of Insanity
  • Check out friends of Insanity

  • simsaladimbamba
    Feb 13, 05:09 PM
    thank you skills at navigating are poor!
    The harddrive shows up on my desktop but when i go to open it nothing is there?!?!?! when i look at the info it says there is not much space left ??how do i open the files to bring into max?:confused:

    Have you made sure you scrolled completely up in that empty Finder window?
    And what does it say under "Format" in the GET INFO window of that HDD?
    Have you also taken a look into the Trash while the HDD is connected, maybe it somehow landed there?

    Helpful Information for Any Mac User ( by GGJstudios (

    quotes on insanity. quote about insanity
  • quote about insanity

  • macman916
    Nov 28, 03:12 PM
    Good for this kid!

    Its takes one kid to deliver a simple product apple can't.


    quotes on insanity. insanity defense quotes
  • insanity defense quotes

  • hans-martijn
    Mar 18, 07:39 AM
    Whats this feature for? I don't know if it was in SL Server but its part of the mail settings and don't know if its for certification or for using apple's mobile me mail service for pushing mail to iOS devices.

    This looks like Push notifications for email will finally work :-)


    quotes on insanity. Quotes - Insanity: doing
  • Quotes - Insanity: doing

  • SeattleMoose
    Mar 27, 10:42 AM
    it was something like this....

    ES: I am telling you Steve, if you use Bing as the default search engine it will be a HUGE mistake. Google is now, hip, and happening and we both know about the quality (both laugh) of MS products. C'mon we both know what the right choice is.

    SJ: Eric, this is business. As you guys expand to other areas you are stepping on our toes. And now you ask me for a "favor"? How about a good ol fashioned "horse-trade"? We use your search engine and you drop out of the portable electronics game? Your stuff can't compete with ours anyway and it is only a matter of time. (ES looks hurt). Eric, you know me, I call it the way I see it and the situation is what it is.

    ES: I'll think about it. I have to talk to our biz guys coz they are the ones who keep wanting us to expand into other areas. They are young and cocky and one guy even proposed a Google brand refrigerator coz it would be "cool". (both laugh)

    SJ: What do you think of Flash???
    ES: You mean here? Right now??!!
    SJ: Yea

    They both stand up, shed their clothes and run off wearing only their Nikes.

    Being a billionaire means total freedom.......


    quotes on insanity. insanity quotes, quotations
  • insanity quotes, quotations

  • George Knighton
    Apr 23, 02:27 PM
    Trump is very rich ....

    Are you sure? Many people cannot find more than about 3 billion US $.

    Depends on how you hide things, I guess.

    quotes on insanity. quotes about insanity plea
  • quotes about insanity plea

  • Susurs
    Apr 20, 11:03 AM
    I third that...Intel integrated 'thing' will never be in a product I buy (If it's the only GPU in mac and nothing else is there like with MacBook Pro where you can switch between graphics 'device'). :)


    quotes on insanity. Climate Change Insanity
  • Climate Change Insanity

  • Bear Hunter
    Apr 6, 04:08 PM
    I know what some of the plans are as I met the reps from Apple when they came to visit us.

    edit: ...and as mentioned, some of you have no concept about the military at all. It's pretty amusing actually.


    quotes on insanity. Witty Quotes
  • Witty Quotes

  • Blue Velvet
    Oct 21, 05:15 PM
    If you see a svelte, chic, gorgeous and charismatic woman surrounded by a ton of admirers... won't be me. :p

    If I'm there, I shall be wearing black, as all well-dressed OS X releases usually are. ;)

    quotes on insanity. Insanity Wolf
  • Insanity Wolf

  • MattSepeta
    May 2, 02:40 PM
    Off the top of my head:

    -Lack of Education
    -Resentment (Much of It Deserved) towards Western Nations
    -Religious Fanaticism (which generally correlates with a lack of education)

    If you've ever seen Charlie Wilson's war you might recall one part at the end of the movie. Wilson was able to convince congress/senate etc. to allocate hundreds of millions of dollars to support the Afghan's fight against the Russians. But at the end of all this Wilson attempted acquire a mere million dollars to build schools and promote education in Afghanistan, he wasn't able to get this funding.

    I believe Wilson's famous quote went something like:

    "We did a great thing, but we fcked up the end game"

    We live in a world where unfortunately violence is sometimes necessary. But violence doesn't "solve" problems, it can sometimes forestall a greater disaster. Unless you fortify violence with something positive (like education) you're simply opening the door to more (and often greater) violence in the future.

    Ill agree with you on Lack of Education and Religious Extremism. Resentment, somewhat. I tend to think that if we just leave them the heck alone to do whatever they want and be as Shariah as they please we will see less terror attempts.

    I know it is not apples-to-apples, but I was wondering if anyone has seen the National Geographic on North Korea? One part that struck my nerve was at the end when the doctors were removing the bandages from the patients eyes, one of the North Koreans first thing to do was go praise a poster of Ill and promise to "Destroy the american scum with my new eyes" or something like that, despite the fact that much of the equipment used to complete the surgeries was American made and American funded IIRC.

    Mar 26, 06:29 PM
    It's a point of human interest, not to mention it was an interesting guessing game for those of us who have lived/worked in Palo Alto. Far more interesting than most of the stuff I read about these days that passes as "news."

    Mar 23, 02:53 PM
    TVs are being marketed because they have Facebook on them. If you don't think electronics manufacturers would not heavily promote that it supported Apple Airplay, just for the halo benefit alone, you are mistaken.

    I just bought a new cutting-edge TV, and I researched the crap out of them. As such, I was exposed to tons of TV advertising. If in the course of all if that, if one of them made a Facebook app a headline point for why I should buy their TV, I missed that ad.

    And by the way, the TV that I bought happens to have a Facebook App. But that's certainly was NOT a factor in why I bought it.

    Again, I'm not saying the idea of incorporating Airplay into TVs is a bad idea- quite the contrary. My point is about getting it entrenched in all TVs by giving it away rather than trying to get $4 per unit for it. Those that want it win by it entrenching in all TVs. I question whether the $4 will yield a situation that it only gets into select TVs when it could eventually be everywhere.

    Apr 19, 09:54 AM
    That didn't look like a micro sim...

    Mar 26, 03:09 PM
    It looks like they are right outside of an Apple store!

    ha you would think they would want to chat inside or something. Wow I wonder who that is wearing blue jeans and a black shirt out side an APPLE store. haha

    Apr 3, 03:00 AM
    I think that Apple was probably aiming to make Pages into a desktop publishing program but then found halfway through that most of the features added in were pretty similar to what word has. Maybe that's why Jobs decided to put it head to head with Word?
    Pages is a resurrected application from more than 10 years ago. It's feature set and implementation are pretty much the same, just as the reaction of both the media and users.

    Pages was never designed to be a page layout replacement. It is designed to be a step above the standard word processor layout aimed squarely at people who know nothing about page layout. This has been (in it's original form) and currently is a template driven application.

    What is so amazing is that people are reacting the same way now as they did before. Always thinking that it'll become more than it currently is. This application has had more than 10 years to be rethought out and improved. If it was aiming for page layout, there was plenty of time to move it in that direction.

    Pages is to page layout what painting by numbers is to art. Anyone expecting the freedom that a page layout program offers has missed what this is about. It isn't about freedom, it is about empowering people with little or no experience to produce quality documents.

    The only reason Pages has been resurrected is that it was an application that Steve Jobs really liked and thought had a place even if it didn't fit into any defined category.

    Steve Jobs, 1993: Pages is a stunning product, and I believe it will become a major mainstream product on NEXTSTEP.

    Pages could be a good product... as soon as people start taking it for what it is rather than projecting what they want it to be onto it.

    Lets look at a 1992 description of Pages from NeXTWorld:The flip side of PasteUp's carte-blanche approach to page design is a layout program from Pages Software, which after several years in the making is close to release under the name Pages by Pages. It guides users to produce well-designed business documents by limiting their choices to a preset range provided in a companion "design model."

    Pages by Pages will ship with seven design models, most aimed at corporate design (other models will be available separately from Pages and third parties). A separate program, the Pages Designer Edition, is used to create models.

    Each model contains rules for typeface control, column layout, headline styling, and other elements that make up a page design. The idea is that an organization will use the product to standardize on a common look for all its documents. The constrained approach also allows users to create attractive designs easily, with a fairly flat learning curve.

    The Pages user interface groups 26 page elements under six basic palettes. All elements are dragged and dropped on the page, and they interact appropriately. For example, a subhead will know that it lives in a column, so it scales to the column width.

    Once users are comfortable with a design model, they have several ways to expand or change it. Every element has an inspector with controls to adjust the behavior of the element. Users may also alter a design model by overriding one or more rules, and then saving it as a style sheet. They can also create a design model from scratch with the Designer Edition.

    Pages believes it has hit on a fundamentally new ap-proach to page design. It is aimed squarely at business publishing, leaving the graphic-design market to other products.
    Does any of this sound familiar?

    The first week Pages was out a lot of people were crowing about a new "Word-killer" and I really felt that was offbase because the better comparison really is to Microsoft Publisher. It reminds me of a light version of Pagemaker from 10 years ago.
    Pages was compared with PageMaker during it's original run also.

    PageMaker was a very powerful application 10 years ago, I should know, I have PageMaker 1.0-6.5 (and still use Aldus PageMaker 5.0a on my PowerBook 2300c today).

    Trying to compare Pages to PageMaker does both a disservice. Pages wasn't attempting to be like PageMaker and PageMaker was never as limiting as Pages.

    As for the comparison to Publisher... that I don't know about.

    I, personally, don't have a need for Pages. TextEdit (with the help of services from other apps) does most of what I need and when I need more than that I have Create. But even though it is not a product I would want, I know people whom this product would be great for.

    The best thing to do is to stop comparing it and give it a fair chance based on what it does. If it fills a need for you, great. If it doesn't, then move to what does.

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