Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 8

To Whom It May Concern,

Dear Hilly. Morgan,
Thanks so much for signing in with me. May your day be bright and beautiful!



 It's the number one secret experts give for getting happier fast. Some studies say that it's just as good as antidepressants! Just a single workout (cardio, strength training, yoga - take your pick) can give you a boost, relieving stress and releasing feel-good endorphins.

QUESTION 8: Your workout routine.

1 hour on the elliptical, resistance belt on tight. 2.2km (1.36mile) run around the block. 1 and a half hour power walk around the neighbourhood in the evening. Isometric exercises. Yoga stretches. Ballet stretches. I don't do all of this every day, but I work out for at least an hour every day, doing one or more of the activities listed above. Today it was raining, so I did the elliptical and some stretches.

Hi everyone! Another successful day, I can't believe it! Who is this person and what has happened to the loser-riffic version of me? Who cares?! Friday's weigh-in will tell if I've been truly successful though, so I'm keeping my  fingers crossed!

CALORIES: 500 or less
EXERCISE: 1 hour or more
WATER: 1.5-2 Litre

Ladies, thank you so much for your wonderful comments. Each one of you is a light unto the darkness, a bright and shining star. You are the stars that guide me. May you all be truly blessed! All my love.

Cinnamon Brown.

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