Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Global Village!

To Whom It May Concern,

To all the wonderful followers who always leave such lovely comments and beautiful words of encouragement and inspiration, thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart! Hearing from you all makes my day so much brighter and even though we're a million miles apart, some of us, I feel like you're only really a mouse-click away. It brings me great comfort and fills me with a sense of enormous well being to have you all in my life.

I've become increasingly aware, over the last few years, that the Universe is not just a place filled with planets and stars, but that she is very much alive and has a consciousness just like you and me. A rapidly and ever expanding consciousness far greater than anything we could ever imagine. I've also come to see just how intuitive she is, when we talk, she listens. Every now and then she sends us confirmation, just to say 'Hey, little Earthling, I hear you!'

I got confirmation in the form of Starbucks! This might seem a little odd, but in my post titled 'Lost In Thought' of Thursday, the 28th, I mentioned my deep fondness for Seattle and all things pertaining to this wonderful place. Then, last night, the boys came home with a present, bottle of Starbucks Frappuccino! Very yummy! They said they spotted a new international section at the local supermarket, saw the Starbucks and instantly thought of me. They're precious that way! And, I do tend to go on and on about the things I love. Did I ever mention my wonderful housemates and how much I love them...?!

The amazing thing is, until this week, there was only one place in the entire country where you could get Starbucks and it's their outlet at Johannesburg International Airport, nowhere near my home. I really love synchronicity and I'm noticing it more and more! I also had my first taste of Dr. Pepper last night, from the same supermarket. I must say, I found it very interesting in a 'cherry cough syrup' kinda way! I had a few sips from one of the boys' cans, it's a bit sugary for me, but the store stocked up on the diet kind too. Yay!

I'm proud to say that I've sampled quite a few things from other countries. I love how we import things from all over the world, it really gives me sense of community. It's necessary here in South Africa, the place where so many cultures come together, to provide for everyone's unique taste. While I don't I don't know if globalisation, in the sense that we all adopt the same culture, is a good thing, I do, very much approve of the global village. The idea that we can all remain independent and yet still enjoy the beauty of one another's culture is very communal indeed!

I don't believe in a god, but I do believe in the Universe and how connected we all are to her. The fact that we are all part of the same Earth community, all attending the same 'Earth school' and are all 'plugged in' to the same place just proves that! The Zulu people of my country have a word for that connectedness. It's 'Simunye' (see moon yeah) It means 'We are one'!

Thinking of you all. Have a wonderful day, fellow Earthlings!

Cinnamon Brown.

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