Photographs (c) Jason Florio/All rights reserved

Photographs (c) Jason Florio/All rights reserved

Photographs (c) Jason Florio/All rights reserved

After meeting Photojournalist Jason Florio at last year's Review Santa Fe, I posted some photographs (on 9.15.09) from his project Makasutu: Mecca In The Forest, now on sale on Blurb Books, and my favorite quote of his which covers everything you might find about his work.
I have been arrested by the Taliban...ridden into far-flung Afghan valleys in search of nomads with mujahideen as my security, dressed as a woman to cross a border, was at the foot of the Twin Towers as they collapsed, enjoyed the 'comforts' of a Cuban hospital, hunted bats in Surinam, chatted with Somali pirates over Coke and biscuits and danced like a fiend in Beirut nightclubs...among other things.
Jason, and his partner, Photography & Expedition Producer Helen Jones, made a 930km walk around The Gambia last year. You can view (and purchase) portraits he made along the route here: 930km African Odyssey
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I have been arrested by the Taliban...ridden into far-flung Afghan valleys in search of nomads with mujahideen as my security, dressed as a woman to cross a border, was at the foot of the Twin Towers as they collapsed, enjoyed the 'comforts' of a Cuban hospital, hunted bats in Surinam, chatted with Somali pirates over Coke and biscuits and danced like a fiend in Beirut nightclubs...among other things.
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Jason, and his partner, Photography & Expedition Producer Helen Jones, made a 930km walk around The Gambia last year. You can view (and purchase) portraits he made along the route here: 930km African Odyssey
Jason's Website
Florio + Jones incredible Expedition Blog
Jason Florio and Sarah Small
APA/NY Lecture Series Soho Apple Store May 12
Florio + Jones incredible Expedition Blog
Jason Florio and Sarah Small
APA/NY Lecture Series Soho Apple Store May 12
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