(Note: Approx. Working Time - 3 and half hours)
The Twilight Saga continues...
It is my pleasure to give utter tribute to fans of one of the most saleable vampire/werewolf films.
To complete my photo manipulation image, I searched for an ensemble of cast (as if I'm a casting director and as if this is a real film) to give a Twilight aura to it. :) Searching for my Bella was a breeze. She also do photo manipulations and not only that she's a beauty...she's Ms. Earth 2009's Miss Congeniality. Looking for Edward was hard and thank God for Facebook wall technology, I got some willing individuals to do the vampy bloke (Oh, I'm going British english). Other casts I assembled are people whom I have known through Facebook and has eventually become close to me virtually.
Without much further ado here's the list of "my cast:"
* DJ Joel as DJ Wolf of Tau Gamma Phi Triskelion of KSA (Took a shot of him during one of his stance)
* Kirstie Joan as Bella ( photo by Joseph Ong Visit www.flickr.com/photos/joseworks )
* Edwin "Jimboi" Abanil" as Edward Cullen
* Cocoy Roxas as Jacob disguised as a Nikonian Rastaman
* Rxl Baylon as Riley disguised as a Nikonian paparazzi
* Ding Viaje as Blade, the Vampire Slayer
* Dhee AmrHein (Ding's Real-Life Girlfriend) as Esme Cullen
* Chuckie Doll as Unknown Vampire
* Werewolf as itself
* Count Dracula of Sesame street as itself
Cameo Roles:
* Photodropouts Laoag as a DJ spinner (Visit http://photodropouts.blogspot.com/
* The entire cast of Twilight Saga as a DJ spinner
* Count Dracula (old film) - Blade's would be victim :D