Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Brad Carlile Andy Freeberg Mark Kessell
Edith Maybin Louie Palu Benedikt Partenheimer
Nicholas Prior Hiroshi Watanabe
Anoush Abrar & Aimee Hoving Christoph Bangert Rachael Dunville
Roger Eberhard Blake Fitch Jan-Claude Louis Will Steacy
Maura Sullivan David H. Wells David Zimmerman
Saturday, March 28, 2009
ROB HAGGART: A Photo Editor

All three series: http://petergrahamcom.blogspot.com
An Interview With Rob
APhotoEditor Interview's Me
Rolling Stone Magazine
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Can't Live Without Google
I used Google Reader a lot as in I check on it like 100x a day. I like it so much that it kinda ruin net surfing for me. I don't get to see websites anymore, I wouldn't know if a sites updates it looks unless I get to read it from their RSS feed. I used to visit Lifehacker.com or Downloadsquad everyday but when I learned how to use Google Reader I don't get to visit their site anymore unless i'm looking for a specific info.
Other Google service that i used often:
Google Maps. Maps is very helpful when I need to send out our in-house messenger to deliver some item to our customers.
Picasa/Picasaweb perfect software to organize my photos store online. Oh and its also available for Linux.
Google Apps for managing domains. I like it a lot because I get to use a very familiar interface when accessing email which is gmail. I don't get to worry about setting up email client because you can access it via the web. No more "AHHH I FORGOT TO BACKUP MY EMAIL" scenarios for me.
Google Docs spreadsheet is what I usually used.. I do a lot of product listing and price computation for our company.Very handy for times I need to check item inventory and i'm outside without my laptop.
Blogger.com, Youtube.com, Calendar, Web Search and especially Adsense these are other service I can't live without. No need to explain here.
Of course i'm just exaggerating the "I can't live without it" part.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Kyle and Cathy are getting married!!!!!!
I had a blast wandering around downtown Billings with you guys:)

Friday, March 20, 2009

Photograph (c) Sonam Zoksang /All Rights Reserved

Photograph (c) Sonam Zoksang /All Rights Reserved
Sonam Zoksang’s mission is to tell the story of his homeland through photography. He does this by documenting Tibetans and Tibetan life, both in and out of Tibet. Whenever possible, he travels to Tibet to document the conditions in his Chinese-occupied homeland. He often takes pictures of Tibetan refugee communities in India, as well as in the US and other countries. Zoksang’s slide presentations at schools and cultural and community centers are always well-attended; he seeks out these opportunities as he feels education is particularly important. His photos have been widely published in books, magazines, and newspapers, and are widely exhibited, one major show having been in a US Congressional building in Washington DC. That exhibition was forced to close after less than one week due to political pressure.
Sonam has an enormous archive of photographs he's taken over decades of travels with H.H. The Dalai Lama, as well as very elegant landscapes of Tibet and India. I keep the Boy From Kham (center) with his hopeful face posted on my wall at all times.
Purchase: President Barack Obama with His Holiness The Dalai Lama
Candle For Tibet PhotoGallery
Sonam Zoksang PhotoGallery
Thursday, March 19, 2009
What have i been doing?

But after the controlled chaos that was valentines day i got sick and also my family. We bought food from three restaurant to celebrate a belated valentines day. The following day i got a major case of diarrhea or diarrhoea (which ever spelling you prefer) i was practically in the bathroom the whole frakkin day. My mom and two brothers got sick too. I wasn't able to go to work for 3 or 4 days.
What else have i been doin? Aside from the usual uploading of new products to sell online, i am also creating a website, an online store again but this time i am doing it the old school way. I'm talking pure html and css code via notepad. No fancy smancy CMS. I feel like I'm in highschool again hehehe. Why am i doing it you may ask? Well the boss wants me to do it for the sake of SEO and stuff, who am i to argue. But honestly doing the site is lots of fun.

Thats all for now, Cya!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Three amazing sisters serving God!
I hope they enjoy these fun images!
Thanks for all you do and best of wishes as you travel back....

Check out these fun and adorable frames!
These are currently on special during March so send me an email
and I get you the pricing pdf.

8 X 10 Exhibition : April 1-Sept. 2009 The Alexey Brodovitch and Hearst Gallery, Hearst Tower Galleries, 300 West 57th Street, NY, NY www.hearst8x10.com
June 18 –September 05, 2009 “Hot Fun in the Summertime” (Group Show)
Bonni Benrubi Gallery 41 E. 57th Street 13th Floor, New York, NY 10022
September 5 – October 28, 2009 "American Leitmotiv" (b&w photographs of the US) AD-Galerie, route de la Gare,1, 1272 Genolier, VD, Switzerland