Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Merry Christmas To All
Merry Christmas to everyone! Sorry still haven't updated the templates to run on the new, maybe next year. =) What did you get this Christmas? Me i got a flip flops, some cash and my favorite a spindle full of blank disc hehehe.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Comments Disable For Now Sort Of
To be Honest I don't have that much time to work on my blog cause of my work and at the same time not having an internet connection at home. Currently my blog is set to moderate all comments for now so no more anonymous commenting because I'm getting flooded with comment spam which is quite irritating. I'll be back soon and hopefully by then i have learned to make templates using the blogger beta.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
These templatess are originally made for Wordpress and have been ported to work with To install a template, simply unzip the file and open the text file using kate, kwrite or notepad then copy the code. Go to Blogger control panel select the template tab and paste the code into the template area, save changes then republish.
Each template is licensed according to their original creators respective licenses so that basically means if a template such as Beccary's WP Dusk theme is licensed as GPL then the ported version is GPL as well. Get it? Got it!
Please keep the backlink in the footer if you use this template.
Almost Spring
Original theme by Beccary
View Almost Spring Demo Running on Blogger.Com
Download Almost Spring for Blogger
Original theme by Andreas Viklund
Ported to Wordpress by Ainslie Johnson
Asynchronous Comment Form by Singpolyma.
View Andreas06 Demo Running on Blogger.Com
Download Andreas06 for Blogger
Original theme by Fredrik Fahlstad
View FUnique Demo Running on Blogger.Com
Download FUnique for Blogger
Original theme by Fredrik Fahlstad
View FMulti Demo Running on Blogger.Com
Download FMulti for Blogger
Ginseng Coffee
Original theme by
View Ginseng Coffee Demo
Download Ginseng Coffee for Blogger
Green River
Original theme by
View Green River Demo Running on Blogger.Com
Download Green River for Blogger
Each template is licensed according to their original creators respective licenses so that basically means if a template such as Beccary's WP Dusk theme is licensed as GPL then the ported version is GPL as well. Get it? Got it!
Please keep the backlink in the footer if you use this template.

Original theme by Beccary
View Almost Spring Demo Running on Blogger.Com
Download Almost Spring for Blogger

Original theme by Andreas Viklund
Ported to Wordpress by Ainslie Johnson
Asynchronous Comment Form by Singpolyma.
View Andreas06 Demo Running on Blogger.Com
Download Andreas06 for Blogger

Original theme by Fredrik Fahlstad
View FUnique Demo Running on Blogger.Com
Download FUnique for Blogger

Original theme by Fredrik Fahlstad
View FMulti Demo Running on Blogger.Com
Download FMulti for Blogger

Original theme by
View Ginseng Coffee Demo
Download Ginseng Coffee for Blogger

Original theme by
View Green River Demo Running on Blogger.Com
Download Green River for Blogger
Wednesday, August 16, 2006 is Getting an Update

Monday, August 14, 2006
Quick Post
I haven't been posting anything for quite some time now so here is a post on stuff i found useful for the past couple of weeks.
1. Bart PE - As qouted from its creator Bart's PE Builderhelps you build a "BartPE" (Bart Preinstalled Environment) bootable Windows in a CD-Rom or DVD from the original Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 installation/setup CD, very suitable for PC maintenance tasks. Just like having a Live Linux CD except its windows and you do need to have a licensed windows for you to use it. Here are some of the useful plugins i installed: Sherpya's Windows XPE Plugin, Codecs Plugin for XPE/PnP, ClamWin Antivirus Scanner 0.88, Java Plugin 1.5.0_06, Mozilla Firefox Plugin, Ewieldra's Antivir PersonalEditon Classic version 7, Tariq hasan's Avast plugin. These are some of the plugins i downloaded and used there are tons more plugins out there just google Bart PE plugins.
2. - Chikka lets you send free messages from pc to pc, from pc to a mobile phone and from a mobile phone to pc. You can use the Chikka Messenger or in my case Chikka Javalite version to send text messages directly to cell phones in the Philippines, the U.S., Japan, India, or Thailand at no cost. Ok there is a catch though for every network there is an alotted credit once the credit is consumed it will be replenish the following day. Here are the allocations for each network:
AT&T (US) - 20
Cingular Wireless (US) - 20
Other U.S. Mobile Phones - 30
Globe (Ph) - 30
Smart (Ph) - 20
Sun Cellular (Ph) - 4
Japan Mobile Phones - 20
DTAC (TH) - 20
Guamcell/Saipancell - 20
India Mobile Phones - 10
Well thats it for now. Enjoy!
1. Bart PE - As qouted from its creator Bart's PE Builderhelps you build a "BartPE" (Bart Preinstalled Environment) bootable Windows in a CD-Rom or DVD from the original Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 installation/setup CD, very suitable for PC maintenance tasks. Just like having a Live Linux CD except its windows and you do need to have a licensed windows for you to use it. Here are some of the useful plugins i installed: Sherpya's Windows XPE Plugin, Codecs Plugin for XPE/PnP, ClamWin Antivirus Scanner 0.88, Java Plugin 1.5.0_06, Mozilla Firefox Plugin, Ewieldra's Antivir PersonalEditon Classic version 7, Tariq hasan's Avast plugin. These are some of the plugins i downloaded and used there are tons more plugins out there just google Bart PE plugins.
2. - Chikka lets you send free messages from pc to pc, from pc to a mobile phone and from a mobile phone to pc. You can use the Chikka Messenger or in my case Chikka Javalite version to send text messages directly to cell phones in the Philippines, the U.S., Japan, India, or Thailand at no cost. Ok there is a catch though for every network there is an alotted credit once the credit is consumed it will be replenish the following day. Here are the allocations for each network:
AT&T (US) - 20
Cingular Wireless (US) - 20
Other U.S. Mobile Phones - 30
Globe (Ph) - 30
Smart (Ph) - 20
Sun Cellular (Ph) - 4
Japan Mobile Phones - 20
DTAC (TH) - 20
Guamcell/Saipancell - 20
India Mobile Phones - 10
Well thats it for now. Enjoy!
Friday, July 28, 2006
Almost Spring

Almost spring is a simple two column green and orange theme by Beccary. You don't need to upload the images because the images are already uploaded and stored at But i'm still including it in the zip file just incase you want to store the images somewhere else.
Original theme by Beccary
Ported to Blogger by 1ijack
View Almost Spring Demo Running on Blogger.Com
Download Almost Spring for Blogger
This theme is licensed under a GPL license. Basically, this means that you're free to do what you like with it as long as you redistribute it under the same license.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Andreas06 Template by Request

Say hello to my new port Andreas06! Andreas06 is Andreas Viklund's winning entry for the "fall" competition. This template was requested by Hafiz and i hope he likes this. This template uses Asynchronous Comment Form by Singpolyma. You don't need to upload the images because were using to store the images and i have included the links in the text file but i'm still including it in the zip file just incase you want to store the images somewhere else. FYI if you didn't notice you can now "Turn Off" the navbar via the template section.. SWEET!
* well it turns out not all blogger accounts has this turn off navbar thingy... too bad
To know about the copyright/license issue of this templates please read template-related information on Andreas Viklund's copyright page.
Original theme by Andreas Viklund
Ported to Wordpress by Ainslie Johnson
Ported to Blogger by 1ijack
Asynchronous Comment Form by Singpolyma.
View Andreas06 Demo Running on Blogger.Com
Download Dusk for Blogger
Wednesday, July 26, 2006 got the F word
I was listening to This Week in Tech episode 63 and one of the topic that was discuss was about Digg and Netscape. I wont discuss the details but you can read it all about it here and here. But what i found interesting is that i went to to see what's all the fuss about and this funny popup appeared. I guess they got hacked. hehehe

Click image to view larger image
Monday, July 24, 2006
Dusk Template

Its been a while since I last posted here. I've been busy with work and recently i have been hired by a school to take care of their computers. The pay is good and i stil have my old job so more moolah for me hehehe. Those people who reads this blogs knows that i'm a linux, free and opensource type of guy and since working for a school with windows xp with every beige boxes it just made me happy that i'm using linux and not windows. Why do i say that? Well on my first day at the school i got bombarded with so much worms and virus that i just gave up trying to clean the pc via an antivirus program and just reformated the pcs and installed xp. In one computer alone there is a total of 4600++ files infected by Brontok worm, That's FOUR THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED PLUS on one pc alone, can you believe that! Well enough of my story back to what the above title says.
For the whole time i was gone i was just only able to make one template and this is it. Presenting Beccary's Dusk Template! It is a two column dark blue and grey theme. Enjoy!
Original theme by Beccary
Ported by 1ijack
View Dusk Demo Running on Blogger.Com
Download Dusk for Blogger
This theme is licensed under a GPL license. Basically, this means that you're free to do what you like with it as long as you redistribute it under the same license.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Meebo - The Web Based Instant Messenger

Meebo is a AJAX powered web based instant messenger that lets you connect to 6 IM networks namely Yahoo!, AIM, ICQ, Jabber, GTalk and MSN Messenger making it an all-in-one instant messenger.
You can register for an account at Meebo giving you the capability to login on all 6 IM network provided you have an account on each one of them, you also get chat logs and user preference. But if you don't want to register you can still use Meebo just by logging-in to your desired IM network. Meebo uses 1024-bit RSA keys to encrypt your passwords thus making your password safe and secure from prying eyes.
Meebo is for those people who want to stay in touch with their friends but can't because the PC doesn't have the IM you need or it's being blocked by a Firewall or your just like me who hates resource sucking bloatware.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Simpla 3 Column
This blog is running on Simpla3c which is basically a simpla theme that is using three column instead of two which the original has. I was suppose to upload this before but i didn't because i was kinda waiting for something to happen... which i have to cut the story here because i don't want to bore you with the details as to why i didn't uploaded the template. A couple of people has been asking for this template for quite some time now and i couldn't wait anymore for that "something to happen" so here it is Simpla3c.
Original theme by Phu
Redesign by 1ijack
View Simpla3c Demo Running on Blogger.Com
Download Simpla3c for Blogger
This theme is licensed under a GPL license. Basically, this means that you're free to do what you like with it as long as you redistribute it under the same license.
Original theme by Phu
Redesign by 1ijack
View Simpla3c Demo Running on Blogger.Com
Download Simpla3c for Blogger
This theme is licensed under a GPL license. Basically, this means that you're free to do what you like with it as long as you redistribute it under the same license.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Miami Heat Wins!!!!
Yes! Miami Heat wins their first championship, they beat Dallas with the score 95 to 92 in game 6 of The finals. To all the Miami Heat fans out there Congratulations!!!
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Knoppix 5.0.1 is here Woohoo!!!
I'm Downloading Knoppix 5.0.1 CD version right now and I'm so excited to try it out. Let me post some of the new goodies that comes with this new version of knoppix..
you can download it at or
I have been waiting for this for so long and now its here... now if only I can boost by Bt download speed to 700mb per second that would make it perfect.
* V5.0.1-2006-06-01
- Current Debian/sid snapshot
- Kernel 2.6.17-rc*git*
- Removed XFree86 in favour of Xorg Version 7.0
- Detection of onboard IDE-Raid Controllers and raid disk components
- udev+hwsetup for automatic hardware detection
- OpenOffice 2.0.2 (german+english)
- Replaced Mozilla by Firefox+Thunderbird
- KDE 3.5.2 with HAL support for removable media
- Updated unionfs to 20060221
- cloop 2.04 with ringbuffer (performance)
- limited but safe transparent write access for NTFS partitions (libntfs+fuse)
- new knoppix-installer now also with the possibility to update existing installations of Knoppix
- [DVD] Gnome 2.12 update
- [CD] because of space reasons :-( , removed chromium, enigma, KDE-helpfiles, ruby, bison and some
other development-related packages (we still have JAVA and C/C++, Perl, Python and PHP on the CD, in
order to have an easy to set up LAMP system).
you can download it at or
I have been waiting for this for so long and now its here... now if only I can boost by Bt download speed to 700mb per second that would make it perfect.
Thursday, June 8, 2006
FUnique Template

FUnique is another Fredrik Fahlstad creation. It is a three column theme with green as its dominant color. Like the previous templates it is a WordPress theme ported to run on This template also features Aditya Mukherjee's native blog search script.
View FUnique Demo Running on Blogger.Com
Download FUnique for Blogger
Wednesday, June 7, 2006
FMulti Template

View FMulti Demo Running on Blogger.Com
Download FMulti for Blogger
Monday, June 5, 2006
Ginseng Coffee for Blogger

Ginseng Coffee is another WP theme created by ported by yours truly to run on
View Ginseng Coffee Demo Running on Blogger.Com
Download Ginseng Coffee for Blogger
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Tired Ass Wednesday and a Big Thanks
As the title suggest I'm so damn tired today, my head hurts, I feel bloated and I dunno why... well actually I know it's because I've been busy this past few days with work and that is why I haven't posted anything for the past couple of days.
One of the thing i've been meaning to post is a big thanks to and for linking to this little blog of mine.
well that's it for now i'm off to buy some advil for this headache.
One of the thing i've been meaning to post is a big thanks to and for linking to this little blog of mine.
well that's it for now i'm off to buy some advil for this headache.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Green River for Blogger

Green River is another Wordpress theme created by it is a fixed width, fixed background and a left menu style theme that is ported to run on This theme is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license.
View Green River Demo Running on Blogger.Com
Download Green River for Blogger
Monday, May 22, 2006
WordPress Theme for Blogger

Here is my first port...
Simpla by Phu
Simpla is a clean yet aesthetically pleasing theme that will allow you to showcase your words without distractions.
View Simpla Demo Running on Blogger.Com
Download Simpla
Monday, May 15, 2006
Better Than Me
I was listening to FLOSS Weekly over the weekend. If you don't know what FLOSS Weekly is, FLOSS Weekly is a podcast hosted by Chris DiBona and Leo Laporte over at ThisWeekInTech.Com( and the show covers mostly stuff that is related to opensource software. I was listening to Episode 5 featuring Miguel de Icaza, the charismatic co-creator of the GNOME desktop, founder of Ximian, and father of the controversial Mono Project, designed to port dot-Net to Linux. One of Miguel's statement that caught my ears is that the reason he stop blogging was because he found that there are people out there that are better than him when it comes to blogging. I feel the same way, Like Mr. de Icaza whenever I read blogs I find myself inadequate because between me and them they have better grammar, they are more articulate and they are wittier than me and this is the reason why I abandoned my 1st blog which I started way back 2001 .
So why did I return to blogging even though there are thousand out there who are far more better than I am.. well because I want to share my thought and my feelings and the operative word here "My" yes there are other blogger better than me but their thoughts and feeling is different than mine. We may talk about the same thing but I might have a different view on the topic. There are other reason why I blog but this is the main reason why I blog. what's your reason for blogging?
So why did I return to blogging even though there are thousand out there who are far more better than I am.. well because I want to share my thought and my feelings and the operative word here "My" yes there are other blogger better than me but their thoughts and feeling is different than mine. We may talk about the same thing but I might have a different view on the topic. There are other reason why I blog but this is the main reason why I blog. what's your reason for blogging?
Friday, May 12, 2006
Happy Mother's Day
Just want to say advance Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms out there especially my Mom who has taken care of me even though I'm one of her biggest headache. Love you Mom, you're the best!
Monday, May 8, 2006
K2 Beta Two r157

I like the Wordpress K2 Beta two theme. I have been using Blogger-templates version of K2 Beta two for quite sometime now. Then I saw revision 157 Its was beautiful, I like it a lot. I went to Blogger-Template to see if anyone has tried to port it for there was none so I search the net for it.. didn't find any. So what I did is I tried to make one and tada here is 1ijack's sloppy version of K2 Beta Two r157.
Why sloppy would you ask? Well the css code isn't cleaned thoroughly there are some code that I didn't remove cause they might be useful in some way that I haven't found out yet. But atleast its functional.
Tuesday, May 2, 2006
Opera Mini 2.0

- Content download: Download images, MP3s, etc. directly to the phone.
- New skins: Make Opera Mini your own by selecting from several new and bold skins to suit your mood.
- Multisearch: Opera Mini offers advanced searching functionality by allowing users to select extra search engines for the home page.
- Speed dial: Bookmarks displayed on the home page are assigned a shortcut key combination, giving users faster and easier access to their favorite sites.
- Visual navigation: Quick and smooth horizontal panning when browsing backwards or forwards.
Add Your Blog to Google Sitemap

Google Sitemaps helps you in submitting your site to Google Index. Basically its just a way of informing googlebot what's in your site and where to crawl thus helping you get more traffic to your site. When Google Sitemaps appeared I immediately signed-up for it just to find out that I can't use it using because you need to put the xml file at the server root which we blogger user don't have access to.
But now that has change. You can add you blog to Google Sitemap by just submitting your blog's feed to Google Sitemap.
1. Login to Google Sitemaps
2. Add your site
3. Once your site is added click "Add a Sitemap"
4. Choose "Add General Web Sitemap"
5. Check all the boxes and add your site's feed.
6. Then go back to "My Site" once there click "verify"
7. Choose "Add META Tag" as a verification method
8. Copy the META tag listed below and paste it in your site's home page in the first <HEAD> section of the page, before the first <BODY> section. Save template and republish.
9. Then click "Verify" again and that's it, your blog is now successfully submitted to Google Sitemaps.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Spread Firefox Aggressively

I'm a Mozilla Firefox user since version 0.9. I like everything about Firefox from its tab browsing to its use of themes and especially its use extensions. I try to spread the use of Firefox among my friends and I even make sure that everyone in the office uses Firefox telling them how secure it is compared to Internet Explorer. Now here is one way of making people switch to Firefox and at the same time earn a dollar doin it.
Switch your users to Firefox and make money.
You already want people to switch to Firefox. Now's the time to get serious about it. Google is paying $1 for each new Firefox user you refer.
This is pretty amazing. Now you can advance your ideals, save people from popups and spyware hell, and make some serious money. Millions of people have heard about Firefox and are ready to switch--all they need is a friendly push.
That's where these scripts come in. They're specially formulated to give just the right push, maximizing souls-saved and dollars-for-you.
Categorized: _Web
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
This Hot Weather, Openoffice.Org and BSA
I just came in from visiting our merchants and buying some stuff for the office, the only thing I could say is IT'S DAMN HOT OUT HERE!! It's 35° Celsius or 93° fahrenheit according to Yahoo! Weather. It's so hot you can practically fry an egg on the roof of the car.
Now about Openoffice.Org(OOo) as I said I have been visiting merchant all day today and one thing that I find amusing is finding OOo installed in their computers. Why you may ask is that amusing well for one thing this is Microsoft country every single computer here from small internet shop to small/medium businesses even ordinary household has Windows XP Pro and MS Office even if they don't have the money to buy a one... wink wink.
Back to OOo, I've been asking around why they are using OOo and the common answer is that they are afraid that they might get raided by the Authorities and the Business Software Alliance for using pirated software. Lots of small to medium businesses has already been raided by the BSA even internet cafes got raided. Computers containing pirated softwares are confiscated, businesses has to temporarily close down until they pay a huge amount of money to pay the fine. Because of this threat to their business they are now starting to migrate to Open Source Software such as Linux and Openoffice.Org others still uses XP but with OOo as their office suite. Now because of this I feel we should applaud the BSA for cracking down on these companies using pirated software and at the same time thank them for indirectly promoting Opensource Software here in the Philippines.
So until the price of commercial software goes down make mine Open Source!
Categorized: _Web | _Linux
Now about Openoffice.Org(OOo) as I said I have been visiting merchant all day today and one thing that I find amusing is finding OOo installed in their computers. Why you may ask is that amusing well for one thing this is Microsoft country every single computer here from small internet shop to small/medium businesses even ordinary household has Windows XP Pro and MS Office even if they don't have the money to buy a one... wink wink.
Back to OOo, I've been asking around why they are using OOo and the common answer is that they are afraid that they might get raided by the Authorities and the Business Software Alliance for using pirated software. Lots of small to medium businesses has already been raided by the BSA even internet cafes got raided. Computers containing pirated softwares are confiscated, businesses has to temporarily close down until they pay a huge amount of money to pay the fine. Because of this threat to their business they are now starting to migrate to Open Source Software such as Linux and Openoffice.Org others still uses XP but with OOo as their office suite. Now because of this I feel we should applaud the BSA for cracking down on these companies using pirated software and at the same time thank them for indirectly promoting Opensource Software here in the Philippines.
So until the price of commercial software goes down make mine Open Source!
Categorized: _Web | _Linux
Monday, April 24, 2006
Get Yahoo Mail Beta Now
Here is a clever way to get yahoo mail beta the much talk about redesign of yahoo mail. As of now you can only use yahoo mail beta if your from europe but with this trick that won't matter anymore.

From GoogleOS
Categorized: _Web
To get Yahoo Mail Beta, just switch your content preference to Germany, France or UK. Then you will be asked if you want to join the beta when you log into your Yahoo Mail. Say yes, and join the beta. Then from the options menu, change your content preference what it was before. Then go to Yahoo Mail again. You should see Yahoo Beta. If you don't see it, go to options and click "Try Beta" button. That's all.
How to change your content preference:log in to Yahoo Mail click Options select Account information from the left panel go to Member Information, General Preferences, Preferred Content select, for example, Yahoo UK click Finished go to Yahoo Mail you'll see a page that says "It's the New Yahoo! Mail Beta... and you're invited." click on "Try Beta Now".

From GoogleOS
Categorized: _Web
OpenOffice.Org Base
Over the weekend my brother ask me to help him make a database using OpenOffice.Org Base. What is Base you might ask - Beginners - Example Database - Base Tutorial
SearchOpenSource.Com - How to use OpenOffice 2.0's database tool
Sheepdogguides.Com - OpenOffice.Org 2 Base Tutorial
Categorized: _Web
BASE enables you to manipulate database data seamlessly within Create and modify tables, forms, queries, and reports, either using your own database or BASE’s own built-in HSQL database engine. BASE offers a choice of using Wizards, Design Views, or SQL Views for beginners, intermediate, and advanced users.As it turns out there is no book available for OOo Base. So I did a search for howtos on the net and here are some of the links I found that are very useful for anyone who wants to try OOo Base. - Beginners - Example Database - Base Tutorial
SearchOpenSource.Com - How to use OpenOffice 2.0's database tool
Sheepdogguides.Com - OpenOffice.Org 2 Base Tutorial
Categorized: _Web
Friday, April 21, 2006
Tux Magazine
TUX is the first and only magazine for the new Linux user and is dedicated to promoting and simplifying the use of Linux on the desktop. Each issue of TUX is delivered digitally as an easy to read PDF.
Tux is just one of the two downloadable magazine I read. I like reading Tux cause their articles are useful and easy to understand which is good for newbies and experts alike. Mango Parfait's column is funny with her bubble-headedness which a lot of people hated her for being that but for me in the end she still gives out helpful tips to us linux users. Another notable thing about Tux is the use of landscape for viewing the magazine its really a nice touch it makes it easy on the eye. Subscribe now and have a blast reading this awesome mag.
Categorized: _Web | _Linux
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Mad at BlogMad... Sorta
A couple a days ago I was raving about how they increase traffic to your site and stuff. Well today I lost my account something to do with database corruption. So I re-registered today and that basically means I'm back to zero well not really zero cause I got 25 credits for registering but my stats are zero. Am I going to leave blogmad? nah! I'm going to stick with blogmad cause I like here or until the next database corruption.
Categorized: _Web | _Blog | _Blogger
Categorized: _Web | _Blog | _Blogger
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
KBFX and My New Debian Chopper Wallpaper
I installed the latest release of KBFX which is last Monday and I just love it! What is KBFX you say well I'll let the developers answer that:
The install wasn't as clean as i would like it to be. The problem is not with KBFX but with my system as I stated before I'm running a poor man's install of Knoppix 4.0.2 thus I'm having problems configuring some of the applications I wanted to run.

I tried to install it using make configure but it's a no go so next step is to install by using the kubuntu breezy package and voila it installed... sorta. It gave out a dependency error, I'm missing kdelibs4c2. Even though it gave out an error it still installed and ran. Although KBFX is running I can't customize it the way I want, like I can't use my custom launch button although the default button is nice its doesn't go with my grey desktop theme and I can't also use the nookie theme for KBFX. The KBFX configurator just won't accept anything I put in. So what I did is renamed the nookie folder to default and copied it to /UNIONFS/usr/share/apps/kbfx/skins. After that I renamed and copied over my custom launch button to /UNIONFS/usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/48x48/actions and thats it, as you can see from the screenshots its working pretty dang good.
I created a new wallpaper and as usual I'm using choppers as my main theme. [Download 1024x768]
Categorized: _Knoppix | _Linux

KBFX is an alternative to the classical K-Menu button and it's menu. It improves the user experience by enabling the user to set a bigger (and thus more visible) start button and by finally replacing the Win95-like K-Menu. But if you still want the old menu, because you're used to it, it is still available as an option in kbfx. We recommend, however, that you give the Spinx bar a try.
The install wasn't as clean as i would like it to be. The problem is not with KBFX but with my system as I stated before I'm running a poor man's install of Knoppix 4.0.2 thus I'm having problems configuring some of the applications I wanted to run.

I tried to install it using make configure but it's a no go so next step is to install by using the kubuntu breezy package and voila it installed... sorta. It gave out a dependency error, I'm missing kdelibs4c2. Even though it gave out an error it still installed and ran. Although KBFX is running I can't customize it the way I want, like I can't use my custom launch button although the default button is nice its doesn't go with my grey desktop theme and I can't also use the nookie theme for KBFX. The KBFX configurator just won't accept anything I put in. So what I did is renamed the nookie folder to default and copied it to /UNIONFS/usr/share/apps/kbfx/skins. After that I renamed and copied over my custom launch button to /UNIONFS/usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/48x48/actions and thats it, as you can see from the screenshots its working pretty dang good.
I created a new wallpaper and as usual I'm using choppers as my main theme. [Download 1024x768]
Categorized: _Knoppix | _Linux
Monday, April 17, 2006
Blog Mad Mad I Say!

Blog Mad is the newest on blogging traffic exchange.
BlogMad is an evolutionary blog trafficking site designed to help you grow your blog - whether you are a small blogger or a massive one, you can benefit greatly from BlogMad's amazing features and incredible 1:1 traffic ratio, and best of all - its free!
And this thing really works, in a short span of time it has increased traffic to my blog and also my friend's blog.
Categorized: _Web | _Blog | _Blogger
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Short List of What I Like
I like Computers
I Like Cars
I like Podcast specifically TWIT
I like Digg
I like IPTV specifically DL.TV and Cranky Geeks (seeing a trend here?)
I like Linux (you knew that)
I like AMD coz their procs are fast and cheap
I like Google I'm a Google fanboy
I like Nvidia coz they make Linux drivers
I like Anime
I like an ice cold Coca-Cola
I like Pizza
I like MP3 Players
I like my phone coz it can play MP3s
I like hacking (long long long time ago I don't subscribe to any ISP coz I get my Internet connection free)
I like Spaghetti
I like to write stuff that I like
Categorized: as post | that should | not be categorized
I Like Cars
I like Podcast specifically TWIT
I like Digg
I like IPTV specifically DL.TV and Cranky Geeks (seeing a trend here?)
I like Linux (you knew that)
I like AMD coz their procs are fast and cheap
I like Google I'm a Google fanboy
I like Nvidia coz they make Linux drivers
I like Anime
I like an ice cold Coca-Cola
I like Pizza
I like MP3 Players
I like my phone coz it can play MP3s
I like hacking (long long long time ago I don't subscribe to any ISP coz I get my Internet connection free)
I like Spaghetti
I like to write stuff that I like
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Debian Chopper

A couple days ago I uploaded a wallpaper I made for my Knoppix desktop over at and it's kinda cool to know that people are downloading it and using it as a wallpaper on their desktop. The original version of this wallpaper can be found here the only difference is that the original has the word knoppix near the bottom. I used GIMP and Macromedia Fireworks to create the wallpaper. I used GIMP when I'm at home and Fireworks at the office and yes virginia I'm using windows xp at the office).
The strange character that you see before the copyright is basically my last name written in a old filipino script called baybay also known as alibata. To know more about baybayin/alibata visit
Categorized: _Knoppix | _Linux | _Photos
Wednesday, April 5, 2006
What the Heck! Dattebayo!
One of my regular habit on the net is downloading Naruto episode at dattebayo and today I just found out that Dattebayo Fansub LLC was bought by this company known as FUNimation. I don't know what funimation is or what does it do but I do hope they don't screwup my favorite fansub. Many regulars visitors of dattebayo are asking not to download videos there anymore because it's commercialize and stuff as for me I'll check around first and if things start to suck then I'll bailout immediately.
Categorized: _Web | _Video
Categorized: _Web | _Video
Tuesday, April 4, 2006
Jumping Around!
I've been learning a lot of blogger hacks and trick lately and to me its kinda fun to know that you can bend blogger to do what you want.. well almost do what you want. There are still other stuff that you can't do with blogger and thats why I see people spending years using blogger now jumping overboard and goin to Wordpress is nice it got tons of addons and aesthetically pleasing thats why I see people are goin over there I even signed-up for an account. For now I'm just testing the waters over there at and as for it will still be my main blog.
Today I just added a drop down menu for my archives and a new search function using both scripts I got from "Blogger Hacks The Series" and Cyclelicious.
Categorized: _Blogger | _Blogs | _Web
Today I just added a drop down menu for my archives and a new search function using both scripts I got from "Blogger Hacks The Series" and Cyclelicious.
Categorized: _Blogger | _Blogs | _Web
Monday, April 3, 2006
A Day of Paranoia and Stuff
Today I'm a bit paranoid, I feel like people I used to talk to are evading me. But then again maybe I'm just paranoid hehehe.
Now on to a totally different matter...
Recently I helped a friend of mine create a photo/video blog of his trips around the Philippines (mostly northern parts of the Philippines). Like always I choose as a hosting and I used my favorite template K2 from Blogger-Templates and I just recently added categories for blogger by NETCF2 which to me by far is the best blogger hack/trick around. You can view my friends photo/video blog at
Categorized: _Blogger | _Blogs
Now on to a totally different matter...
Recently I helped a friend of mine create a photo/video blog of his trips around the Philippines (mostly northern parts of the Philippines). Like always I choose as a hosting and I used my favorite template K2 from Blogger-Templates and I just recently added categories for blogger by NETCF2 which to me by far is the best blogger hack/trick around. You can view my friends photo/video blog at
Categorized: _Blogger | _Blogs
Monday, March 13, 2006
Knoppix 5 is Here!!!
Yehey!!! The so awaited version 5 of Knoppix has been introduced in Cebit 2006. Finally eh?
read more digg story
Categorized: _Knoppix | _Klik | _Linux
read more digg story
Categorized: _Knoppix | _Klik | _Linux
Monday, February 13, 2006
Blogger Templates I Made
Ok so I made two Blogger templates based on the hit anime show Naruto. Its just s modified Mike template found at Blogger-Templates.Blogspot.

Download Template

Download Template
Categorized: _Blogger | _Blog
Download Template
Download Template
Categorized: _Blogger | _Blog
Wednesday, February 8, 2006
My Knoppix 4.0.2
[click image for larger image]
Some of the software I use on my Linux Box.
MoTv (klik)
GRadio (klik)
Nero Linux (klik)
BitDefender Linux Edition/ BitDefender FE
Yakuake (klik)
Blender 3D
VLC (klik)
Internet Explorer 6
Photoshop 7
Winzip 9
Icon Sucker
Popcap Dynomite
Coffeecup Firestarter
Categorized: _Knoppix | _Klik | _Linux
Free software liberates Venezuela
The Philippines Government should be doing this as well...
From Page 4 of the article: "The Venezuelan revolution is perhaps the
first revolution in history saved by computer hackers and this is one
of the reasons the government is so very strong on promoting the use of free software, particularly in public administration." On Page 4,
the article explains the details of the operation. Cool!
read more
Categorized: _Knoppix | _Klik | _Linux
From Page 4 of the article: "The Venezuelan revolution is perhaps the
first revolution in history saved by computer hackers and this is one
of the reasons the government is so very strong on promoting the use of free software, particularly in public administration." On Page 4,
the article explains the details of the operation. Cool!
read more
Categorized: _Knoppix | _Klik | _Linux
Monday, February 6, 2006
The Best PowerPoint Slide. Ever.
Have you've ever been stuck in the meeting from Hell, where some management boob is flicking through a soul-crushingly boring PowerPoint presentation? If so, grab this slide and find some way to slip it into their next PowerPoint presentation; then sit back and get ready to laugh.
read more | digg story
Categorized: _Digg | _Web
read more | digg story
Categorized: _Digg | _Web
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
COOLEST 404 error page
For everyone to check out and digg, its this funny, animated 404 error page. Don't forget to digg it!
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Categorized: _Digg _Web
read more digg story
Categorized: _Digg _Web
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