Saturday, October 30, 2010

Witchy Tights And Pumpkin Lights!

To Whom It May Concern,

Happy Halloween, everybody! I realise this post is a day early, but I'm going to be too shitfaced tomorrow to sit up straight, let alone put out a post! I can't wait to get stupid!

The girls at work and I decided to dress up a bit for the Halloween weekend. Seeing as I won't be working tomorrow, I got dressed up today. It was a bit last minute, but we had heaps of fun nonetheless. I decided on cat ears and witchy tights.

My felines look at these in utter disgust!

Bought these smashing tights at Grahamstown Fest. I love them so!
Hope you are all having a magical weekend of pumpkin carving, trick-or-treating and raucous debauchery! Look after yourselves and I'll catch up with you next week. Until then, stay 'spook-tacular'!

Turns out I'm pretty handy with a knife!

Cinnamon Brown.

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